Dr. Amar Pashupatimath

Ph.D – Marketting


I welcome you with pride to KLE Society’s College of Computer Application, an institute of effective education, learning and character building. At KLESociety’s BCA College, you will find a vibrant, energetic, affable community of student, faculty and staff. In choosing your BCA course of study, you will be able to pursue your interests and aptitudes and develop a holistic personality leading to a career of your choice. The College has constantly strived to provide an environment conducive to bring out the best in our students. The College has state-of-the-art laboratory. The College creates an environment which is competitively intense and intellectually satisfying with comprehensive skills in different fields leading to open horizons for creativity. The College is committed to bestowing adequate knowledge to students to train them to think and work logically, develop a spirit of enquiry, inculcate scientific temper, impart skills and make an individual relate knowledge to real life situation wherein value judgment is important in making decision.

We have invested our resources in putting in place modern teaching techniques, internet facilities and related recourses for your most exclusive use.College has a sprawling campus with lush green surroundings. Our Campus is Wi-Fi enabled with smart classroom equipped with projection facilities and interactive monitors to make the classes most effective for all students with varied power of understanding and learning. College has open air amphitheater, indoor auditorium, threefloored RFID enabled library and hostel for Boys and Girls students. The College has produced large number of alumni who are severing the nation with distinction in various fields. Our Alumni have reached the high echelons in various industries, securing challenging and highly paid positions in top ranking companies/ organizations in India and abroad.

Dear Students, an exciting phase of your college life is just about to begin. Here in college you will make lifelong friends, compete to excel and learn your first lesson about life. This is the time when you will lay a foundation for a good life, great career and success but always remember that character development and leadership are just as important as academic results. Welcome and best wishes for this new phase of your life.